Hungarian is a Uralic language. There are about 14.5 million native speakers, of whom 9.5–10 million live in modern-day Hungary.
Verbix tries to find out the verb particle of the verb, which might fail sometimes. You can, however, instruct Verbix to find the verb particle:
There are only 23 irrgular verbs in Hungarian: van (lenni, 'to be'); lesz (lenni, 'to become'); megy (menni, 'to go'); jön (jönni, 'to come'); eszik (enni, 'to eat'); iszik (inni, 'to drink'); alszik (aludni, 'to sleep'); nyugszik (nyugodni, 'to rest'); fekszik (feküdni, 'to lie somewhere'); tesz (tenni, 'to put, to do'); vesz (venni, 'to take, to buy'); visz (vinni, 'to bring, to take'); hisz (hinni, 'to believe'); nő (nőni, 'to grow'); sző (szőni, 'to weave'); lő (lőni, 'to shoot'); fő (főni, 'to be boiled'); ró (róni, 'to comprehend'). Five verbs have an irregular past in comparison with other verbs having the same ending: tagad (to deny), fogad (to recieve), szenved (to suffer), enged (to allow), téved (to be wrong).