Verbix Verb Conjugator

Verbix on-line Verb Conjugator

Verb conjugation in tens of languages: Ukrainian, French, German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese, Latin, Spanish etc. Use this free web conjugation service as much as you need! More languages...

Featured Language: Georgian

Introduction. Georgian is the primary language of about 3.9 million people in Georgia itself (83 percent of the population), and of another 500,000 abroad (chiefly in Turkey, Iran, Russia, the USA an[...] Read more about Georgian in
Georgian language at

Tagged Books & Texts

Featured Text: Vita di Galileo Galilei scritta da Giovanni Bonfanti
A book by Giovanni Bonfanti.

Italian: SCRITTA. a nobile prosapia nacque in Pisa l' anno 1564 nel dì 15 febbrajo, ed ebbe in genitori Vincenzo di Michelagnolo Galilei, e Donna Ammanati di Pescia..


Tagged Paralleltexts

Featured Text: Robinson Crusoe
A book by Daniel Defoe.

Italian: Avventure di Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe. Primi anni di gioventù.. Nacqui l' anno 1632 nella città di York d' una buona famiglia, benchè non del paese, perchè mio padre, nativo di Brema, da prima venne a mettere stanza ad Hull; poi venuto in buono stato col traffico e lasciato il commercio, fermò sua dimora in York; nella qual città sposò la donna che fu poi mia madre. Appartiene questa alla famiglia Robinson, ottimo casato del paese; onde io fui chiamato da poi Robinson Kreutznaer: ma per l' usanza che si ha nell' Inghilterra di svisar le parole, siamo or chiamati, anzi ci chiamiamo noi stessi e ci sottoscriviamo Crusoe, e i miei compagni mi chiamarono sempre così..
English: The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe. CHAPTER I—START IN LIFE. I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family, though not of that country, my father being a foreigner of Bremen, who settled first at Hull. He got a good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade, lived afterwards at York, from whence he had married my mother, whose relations were named Robinson, a very good family in that country, and from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer; but, by the usual corruption of words in England, we are now called—nay we call ourselves and write our name—Crusoe; and so my companions always called me..


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About Verbix

Verbix is an independent non-profit organization that aims to promote and protect linguistic diversity. This site and the Verbix for Windows software support verb conjugation in hundreds of languages, ranging from national and international languages to regional and even extinct languages.

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About Verb Conjugation

Verb conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a verb from its principal parts by inflection. Principal parts is sometimes the infinitive like "cantar" in Spanish, but it can also be verb theme like "skriva - skrev -skrivit" in Swedish. Read more...