Vulgar Latin verb conjugation

Vulgar Latin is the spoken form of non-Classical Latin from which originated the Romance group of languages.

Conjugate a Vulgar Latin Verb

Fill in the infinitive. Don't use any capital letters!
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More about the Language

Vulgar Latin was primarily the speech of the middle classes in Rome and the Roman provinces; it is derived from Classical Latin but varied across Roman-occupied areas according to the extent of education of the population, communication with Rome, and the original languages of the local populations.

As the Roman Empire disintegrated and the Christian Church became the chief unifying force in southern and western Europe, communication and education declined and regional variation in pronunciation and grammar increased until gradually, after about 600, local forms of Vulgar Latin were no longer mutually intelligible and were thereafter to be considered separate Romance languages.

Written materials in Latin almost always make use of Classical Latin forms; hence, written documentation of Vulgar Latin is uncommon. Modern knowledge of the language is based on statements of Roman grammarians concerning "improper" usages, and on a certain number of inscriptions and early manuscripts, "lapses" in the writings of educated authors, some lists of "incorrect" forms and glossaries of Classical forms, and occasional texts written by or for persons of little education. Beyond this, early texts in the Romance languages (beginning in the 9th century) often throw light on earlier usages. All of these sources, used with some caution, have made it possible to piece together the structure and vocabulary of Vulgar Latin with some exactness.



  • Grandgent, C.H.. An introduction to vulgar Latin. D.C.Heath & co Publishers. Boston, 1907.
  • Maurer, Theodore Henrique. Gramática do latim vulgar. "Biblioteca brasileira de filologia; 16". Livraria Acadêmica. Rio de Janeiro, 1959.