Russian (cyrillic) verb conjugation

Russian is the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia and the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages.

Conjugate a Russian (cyrillic) Verb

You can enter the letters either in Cyrillic or Latin letters. Transliteration key: а - a, б - b, в - v, г - g, д - d, е - je, е" - jo, ж - zh, з - z, и - i, й - j, к - k, л - l, м - m, н - n, о - o, п - p, р - r, с - s,т - t, у - u, ф - f, х - kh, ц - c, ч - ch, ш - sh, щ - shh, ъ - `, ы - y, ь - ', э - e, ю - ju, я - ja.
The flag of Russia

See also:


Translate verbs from English to Russian (cyrillic) and conjugate the translations



  • Beyer, Thomas R. Jr.. 501 Russian verbs. Barron's Educational Series. New York, 1992.
  • Gallana, Palma. Verbi Russi. Tutti i verbi regolari e irregolari. Avallardi. Milano, 1995.