Romanian verb conjugation

Romanian is spoken by 26 million native speakers in Romania and Moldavia. It's a romance language, proceeding from the Latin language.

Conjugate a Romanian Verb

Fill in the infinitive. Don't use any capital letters!
The flag of Romania

Some of the Romanian characters don't exist in the English alphabet. If you can't input them here - try the following:

To Get Enter Sample Verbs
ă a( za(cea equals zăcea
â a> ca>nta equals cânta
ş S Sti equals şti
ţ T Tine equals ţine
See also:

Notes on the verbs

Romanian verbs are divided into four conjugation groups according to the ending of the infinitive: 1. -a (e.g., cânta 'sing'), 2. -e (include), 3. -ea (e.g., avea 'have') and 4. -ire (e.g., citi 'understand'). (Cf. Italian)

Top 10 Romanian Verbs Conjugated

  1. fi
  2. avea
  3. merge
  4. face
  5. veni
  6. alerga
  7. mânca
  8. citi
  9. vedea
  10. bea


Translate verbs from English to Romanian and conjugate the translations



  • Candréa-Hecht, J.-A.. Cours Complet de Grammaire roumaine. Friedrich Fleischer's Buchhandlung. Leipzig, 1900.
  • Lombard, Alf et Gâdei Constantin. Dictionnaire Morphologique de la langue Roumaine. Editura Academiei. Bucureşti, 1981.
  • Rosetti, AL.. Istoria Limbii Române. Editura Pentru Literatură. Bucureşti, 1968.
  • Lombard, Alf. Le verbe roumain. Deuxième volume. Lund, 1953.
  • Bulgăr, Gh.. Limba română. Editura Vox. Bucureşti, 1995.
  • Hoffman, Christina. Romanian Grammar. Hippocrene Books. New York, 1998.
  • Lombard, Alf. Rumänsk grammatik. CWK Gleerup Bokförlag. Lund, 1973.
  • Tănase, Eugène. Traits spécifiques qui distinguent le roumain des autres langues romanes en morpho-syntaxe. "Actas do XIX Congreso Internacional de lingüística e filoloxía románicas. Publicadas por Ramón Lorenzo. V Gramática Histórica e historia da lingua. Fundación ""Pedro Barrie de la Maza, Conde de Fenosa""". A Coruña, 1993.
  • Grigorie, Toma. Verbe româneşti. Editura Universitaria. Craiova, 1994.